Conflicting Identities



In 2020, UN Women and UNDP co-produced the Conflicting Identities report to better understand the relationship between violent extremism and gender power relations. The report hopes to inform more gender sensitive programming and policy responses to extremism and peacebuilding in South and South-East Asia.

Palim was approached to support with a social media strategy and developing digital content that would help publicize the report, ensuring key findings were conveyed in a relatable and simplified way. An animated story and associated micro-content was developed based on an encounter by one of the researchers who developed the report. The story showed how gender roles and social expectations of men can be manipulated by extremist groups to further their own means.

About the Project

Insert a little bit of text here. videos were crafted in a non-technical, people-centred, documentary style. We incorporated . Filming took place in Kasi, Laos, bringing this vibrant community and mission to life.

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Producer Mailee Osten-Tan
Ian Hamden