Documentary series & photography
ExrtremeLives is a documentary video series sponsored by UNDP and the EU exploring the driving forces behind violent extremism through emotive, character-driven narratives, and offers at-risk viewers actionable alternatives.
Extremism is often thought of as religiously motivated. But the reasons why youth end up in extremist groups vary enormously between countries, contexts, and communities. From drug misuse to imprisonment, gendered inequalities to socio-cultural stereotypes, this video series dives deep into the stories of youth affected by known drivers of extremism, and who have turned their lives around against the odds. Using behaviour science insights, short film, and creative digital content, this alternative-narrative project promotes constructive conversation, meaningful human connection, and asserts that we each have the power to take control over the trajectory of our lives.
Since 2020, Palim has led the ideation, strategy, producing, and marketing for this EU-funded series across 6 countries in Asia, in collaboration with Human Pictures, UNDP, and the EU.

About the Project
Insert a little bit of text here. videos were crafted in a non-technical, people-centred, documentary style. We incorporated . Filming took place in Kasi, Laos, bringing this vibrant community and mission to life.
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Behind the Scenes
Director Mailee Osten-Tan
Producers Juan Yepes, Mailee Osten-Tan, Juan Caster Castaneda, Olivia Heffernan
Directors of Photography Juan Caster Castaneda, Josh Paul
Translator/Local Producers Por Burapacheep, Zabrina Fernanadez
Photographer Mailee Osten-Tan
Animation & Graphics Ian Hamden
Branding Sanchita Jain